October 24th thru October 30th
Tarot Cards Used: Your Path Through The Enchanted Forest; Lunaea Weatherstone
Oracle Cards Used: Moonology; Yasmin Boland
We are looking at a very heart centered week ahead of us. The New Moon and partial Solar Eclipse falls on the 25th of October in Scorpio, with an equally beautiful alignment of the sun and moon in an embrace with the love planet Venus. Be ready to find yourself submerged in some ultra deep and profound moments where one might find uncharted and mysterious qualities one never knew existed within. We may find that we are on a quest of deep robust love for life as well as an exploration of what we hold closest to our hearts. Possibly even a new found love for ourselves. Yet with Scorpio energy finding its way into this dreamy mix, we can almost certainly expect a bit of drama as it casts a bright light on our hidden shadow selves. This can bring about healing of old wounds and rebirth. On this journey, we may discover a new way of thinking or feeling which could bring about opportunities we never thought available to us. Or our attention and inspiration might be drawn to a corner of our inner universe that we simply never knew existed. When we focus energy on what we are passionate about, it not only serves us, but others as well. And opens doors we never knew existed. Remember, it is never too late to start a new chapter or take on a new interest!
Typically a New Moon is a time to manifest and bring about new ideas or goals that we aspire to bring about. We can use tools or rituals such as writing our ideas down or burning them with intention. But with the added Eclipse energy (a partial Eclipse entering on the 25th with the full Solar Eclipse on November 7th/8th), it urges us to go within to take this time to center and connect with our intuitive side. Listen to our hearts and trust its guidance.
Some simple ways to connect with your heart and ground:
~ Light candles and bask in there glow ~ Keep a journal ~ Connect with your inner child ~ Find a heartwarming novel that captures your heart ~ Write or read poetry under a large oak tree ~ Hold a beautiful rose quartz near your heart while meditating or wear as a necklace ~ Use essential oils such as lavender/rose/geranium in your lotions or in a diffuser ~ Take a warm bath with pink Himalayan salt and dim the lights ~ Listen to your favorite upbeat music ~ Connect with friends or family
Do whatever brings your soul alive and your energy to its highest vibration! Sending much love as we journey through this next week together!
Wishing peace and love ~