Listed below are organizations and their descriptions – each in their own words.

Autism Action Network:

Fighting for people with autism and their families since 2005.  Read the latest news in efforts to combat nefarious dealings that have lead to an increase in autism.  Go to the website to find and contact local representatives.

Children’s Health Defense:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been at the forefront of the fight for medical freedom and vaccine awareness. Follow Children’s Health Defense for the latest updates. The Defender is published online weekly and includes “This Week with Mary and Polly”- a rousing and informative conversation between lawyer, Mary Holland, and producer, Polly Tommey

The greatest crisis that America faces today is the chronic disease epidemic in America’s children.

Do We Need This:

We are a network of friend and neighbors from Columbia County, New York, who believe in democracy and defending the freedoms and rights of all citizens. Our aim is to provide resources, support and community for families questioning or concerned with issues relating to vaccine safety and health freedom.  We promote advocacy and public education.  We organize rallies and protests to assert our right to medical freedom and no mandated vaccines.

What We Stand For: Medical freedom and health choice Local food networks with local food farmers, and a local economy of small independently owned businesses.

We Are Against: Mandated Covid vaccines, mandated yearly boosters, masks, fear-mongering, lockdowns, and school closures. 5G networks installed without community consent, governments that serve oligarchs, and big corporations.
Make Americans Free Again
MAFA – Massachusetts:

Nothing will change until Americans are willing to come together and stand against the growing government.
With our abilities, dedication, and focus, we can protect ourselves and our family from the elites who want to decide our futures.

If you learn of a group or public figure who you think aligns with our campaign, reach out to them directly and ask them to join. The central office does not have the bandwidth to follow up on all potential connections. Once you secure a commitment you can share with us at

Thank you for volunteering your time for this important initiative!
The most important actions you can take are to get others to join the campaign.

NY Freedom Rally:

New York Freedom Rally (NYFR) is a grassroots organization that promotes freedom in general and health freedom in particular. We believe in informed consent and bodily autonomy, and welcome anyone who supports those positions.

Although many of our supporters oppose social distancing, masks, lockdowns, and vaccines, our primary focus is opposition to vaccine mandates. We believe awareness is a key factor in ensuring freedom, and so we spread our message primarily through rallies and marches as well as social media.

We are in affiliation with World Wide Demonstration, an internationally syndicated community that supports local member organizations in a decentralized manner. All member events are peaceful and nonviolent.

Health Freedom for Humanity

We are a community of advocates, parents, teachers, actors, veterans, doctors, lawyers, and friends who stand to ensure Health Freedom for all people.  We come from every religion, political affiliation, socioeconomic background, and philosophy on personal health, but are united in our belief that mandated medical procedures of any kind, medical coercion, or any restriction on health choice violate basic human rights.  We work to educate and empower our fellow citizens to defend their inalienable right.  We declare freedom from the overreaching arm of Big Pharma and its bedfellows.  We are unmovable and unstoppable.  We invite all of humanity to join us.

Informed Consent Action Network

Investigating the safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, and vaccines while educating the public of their right to “informed consent.”

Medical Freedom Alliance

Mission Statement
To protect and exercise our God given Constitutional Rights and our bodily autonomy.
Medical Freedom Alliance is a group of concerned citizens dedicated to the idea of defending our Freedoms and upholding and enforcing the Laws that allow families and individuals to live our lives unencumbered by government, pharmaceutical companies, corporate influence and/or media transgressions.

Having witnessed NON governmental bodies such as the United Nations, World Health Organization and the CDC being allowed to exercise demands on our Citizenry that are both unlawful and unconstitutional, we intend to never again allow elected officials or un-elected foreigners to harm our country again.

We understand that our founding fathers Understood the makings of tyranny and established the Constitution and Bill of Rights to defend The People from nefarious actors intent on stripping our rights.

We believe the Law of the land is our Constitution and we take the responsibility to ensure that it is upheld by our government leaders.

Though nondenominational and apolitical, we believe in the Creator and recognize that humanity can only thrive when we realize our proper place in the world

Parent Mind, Inc

We are parents and grandparents. We are aspiring parents and grandparents. We are professionals, or just Moms & Dads, Grandmas & Grandpas. We are consumers. We are fellow, thinking human beings who share concern for the well being of our children. We are the guardians of our heritage and our family legacy. We are looking out for the future of our species. We are in our right minds, and are minding our rights to protect our DNA. 

Our Mission
The mission of Parent Mind, Inc is to share thoughtful, carefully researched information for parents, grandparents, professionals, and families: “What every parent in their right mind wants to know”.

We provide a forum and platform for exchanging information with anyone who joins our organization. We maintain a library of pertinent documents, scientific data, and current discussion in the world-wide community of parents and professionals. We invite opinions and new information to be shared in our discussion forum.

Massachusetts Stands Up

Nothing will change until Americans are willing to come together and stand against the growing government.
With our abilities, dedication, and focus, we can protect ourselves and our family from the elites who want to decide our futures.
If you learn of a group or public figure who you think aligns with our campaign, reach out to them directly and ask them to join. The central office does not have the bandwidth to follow up on all potential connections. Once you secure a commitment you can share with us at

Thank you for volunteering your time for this important initiative!

The most important actions you can take are to get others to join the campaign.

The materials on this page are intended to provide guidance and resources to facilitate your efforts.

You can download MAFA Massachusetts Business Card in a pdf format here.

If you have ideas for additional volunteer actions, please contact us at:

New York Alliance for Vaccine Rights
New York Alliance for Vaccine Rights is a 501c(3) organization that seeks to educate families and individuals about their vaccination rights and how to protect them through political action. The New York Alliance for Vaccine Rights is compromised of a variety of groups, organizations and individuals that stand united in opposition to bills within New York State legislature that threaten our constitutional rights and freedom to raise our families in accordance with our beliefs. The Alliance encompasses a diverse set of perspectives that share the common ground that vaccination is a decision that should be made by family and individuals.

Project Stand Together

Project Stand Together is a grassroots movement to end medical discrimination in the United States and to return the country to its roots of freedom.

While our focus is to make all COVID-19 vaccine mandates illegal in the United States, our long-term goal is to ensure that every citizen is empowered and free to make their own medical decisions.
Hundreds of business have placed our sign of non-compliance on their storefront. They are standing up and standing together for freedom and against tyrannical and discriminatory mandates.

Support businesses that support your freedom. Find them on our business directory today.

Our movement began with our founder, Ari Hasanaj, canvassing local businesses in New York City, asking them to put up these signs of non-discrimination and peaceful non-compliance.

We now have volunteers in major cities across the country canvassing their communities, asking businesses to #StandTogether against these unjust mandates. 

Additionally, businesses and individuals can also purchase these signs or print them for free to put on their own storefronts. The signs are also available for free pick-up at select pick-up locations.

Stand Up Massachusetts

We are a concerned group of Western Massachusetts residents that care deeply about safeguarding our basic human, health, and parental rights. We invite you to Stand up with us to ensure that our constitution is upheld and our God-given ​rights are forever protected.

​Our mission is to provide you with useful educational resources and tools, share important news and events, inform you of the many luminaries, organizations, and citizens that are making a difference, and show you how you can take action to take back and preserve our freedoms. You can read more about what we are specifically accomplishing here. Our goal is to awaken the sleeping lions! 

If you would like to help us TAKE ACTION, and/or help support our work with a financial contribution, please do so through the secure form found on our donation and contact page.                                                                                             

Teachers for Choice

TEACHERS FOR CHOICE is an organization comprised of teachers and parents that are 100% against forced medical mandates for any American to keep their job, especially educators. Right now the most pressing concerns are forced COIVD vaccination on educators and most Americans to keep our jobs. However there are many other medical mandates that are coming soon, and we stand in opposition TO ALL OF THEM!

There are 4 major actions educators, union members and all Americans can take to have your voice heard:

  1. Follow this blog and help us on social media! – find out how here
  2. Sign our petition against vaccine mandates: NY Teachers Against Vaccine Mandates for Educators (over 17,000 signatures and rising!)
  3. If you are an educator, leave the UFT and AFT fake-unions NOW! Learn how here.
  4. Spread the word!

We need as much support as possible to show union leaders and politicians we are a sizable political force. We have a steering committee for the group. If you are a teacher or educator in New York interested in being part of our committee please contact us.


Uniting NYS

Uniting NYS is a collaboration of active groups and individuals fighting to protect our freedoms…health, speech, religion, assembly, and more through legislative, social and, legal action.  Our mission is to unify and organize our great State’s silent majority and implement strategic actions to take back New York.  Be a part of the movement to return the power to WE THE PEOPLE.