I am not sure about you but last week had me exhausted and mentally depleted as I faced and worked through some deep hidden emotions. I definitely felt the energy of the New Moon combined with the partial Eclipse. It had me reflecting on what is aligning with my true self and what is not. The doubts, the fears and the obstacles that needed to be released all came to the surface.

This week brings clarity to our mental state. With the healing and purging that took place last week, we are able to cut through the fog and forge a new path that aligns with our heart. The Queen of Swords starts our week and tells a story of setting boundaries, having the ability to communicate unbiased, yet having that softer side that exudes compassion. With her energy we can be sure to move through any issues with ease if we communicate from a loving space, without judgment or hesitation. Our minds will be clear and focused.

As we move towards the middle of the week, the Queen of Swords is paired with the Nine of Stars. This is the energy that is being carried forward from last week. This signifies the goals that we made, the clarity of what we want to achieve and where we want to see our future selves go. There is a feeling of we can reach for the stars, this is a beautiful and sparkly energy!

Towards the end of the week we have the Moon and the Six of Swords. All messages combined this is simply bringing awareness to the continuation of purging any hidden unresolved area’s within us or around us. Leaving behind what doesn’t serve us and walking away. We will be shedding unnecessary emotional baggage and possibly resolve external situations that may arise with communication, yet anchored from a place of love. With Scorpio energy and the Eclipse, we will continue this purging process throughout the month. Remember to ground yourself and not only show love to others, but to love and have compassion for ourselves as well!

Wishing everyone a Happy Halloween and bountiful November! 

Much love, light and happiness ~
