Everyday Witch Tarot Cards by Deborah Blake & The Universe Has Your Back Cards by Gabrielle Bernstein


The Wands are all about inspiration, bringing a vision to life and letting our creative juices flow. The Wand suit is associated with fire, which correlate as passion, drive and all-consuming energy. With two Wand cards presenting themselves in the reading, we are moving into fast paced energy as these first two months of the year may have felt slow going in terms of gaining speed on projects or bringing fruition to ideas. You may have been met with opposition each step of the way, conflict from others in terms of support or you may have felt that your own muddled mindset has held you back.  Personally I know I have found myself feeling a bit trapped within my head these past couple of months, doing a lot of inner work, and waiting for the right time to materialize my thoughts. I have had to practice patience and allow myself to just be, giving my body rest, which hasn’t always been the easiest since I am not the most patient naturally and am typically on the go.

The Six of Swords signals us that it is time to embark on those ideas and goals. We have had time to methodically write down our steps to getting there, to wrap our minds around the vision but now it is time to take action. In surrendering our thoughts, we throw reigns to the wind and trust in the universe and ourselves to manifest whatever seeds we planted with the Ace of Wands. With the Star card reversed, we need to work on our trust and not revert to over thinking how our plans or goals are going to manifest. If we can manage to go with the flow and not get in our own way of execution, there is room for real potential with the Ace of Pentacles and The Star card.

A message from Astrology.com about the upcoming full moon and planetary alignments this week and month and how the energies will be at play:

An action-packed week has arrived — perhaps the most important one in 2023 so far. Not only will the planets above be dancing in a sweet harmony, promoting excitement and new opportunities, but we’ll also have a delightful full moon in Virgo on March 7. This is an auspicious lunation, helping us to turn our attention to our work-life balance. However, the most important news of all also arrives this same day as our taskmaster, Saturn, soars into the seas of Pisces to remain prominently for nearly three years. The movements of Saturn are extremely significant, as they bring karmic lessons to the human collective and each of our individual lives. In Pisces, Saturn will bring heavy weight and learning curves to everything that this water sign rules — the healing and mystic arts, as well as mental health, psychology, pharmaceuticals, and addictions. Pisces also rules many other things where we’ll see shifts: Hollywood and the entertainment industry, and on a more natural level, the oceans.


I am a spiritual being in a physical form. I bring balance and healing to both my soul and body. ~Astrology.com

Wishing each of you a blessed week!



I’m Carla Coons, an avid lover of crystals and anything involving astrology.  I’m also a huge admirer of the beautiful outdoors.  Tarot discovered me in a time when I needed it most and has become my comfort.  It is the bridge that connects me to my intuition and to the Universe, bringing me peace in these crazy times.  My goal with the collective readings is to reach those who need this same peace in their lives.  A lifeline from my heart to yours.  These readings are for you, the audience, but I too receive clarity, peace and a time to reflect, which are all such priceless gifts.  I am so grateful to be here. Thank you!