BY RHODA WILSON ON JUNE 15, 2024 | The Expose

Doctors for Patients UK submitted testimonies to the People’s Vaccine Inquiry from several doctors.  One of them was psychiatrist Dr. Ali Ajaz who was employed by the NHS but left due to pending vaccine mandates.

“The NHS’s handling of the covid-19 vaccine rollout exemplified a top-down approach where frontline doctors, including myself, were discouraged from applying medical scrutiny or expressing concerns,” he said.

Adding. “The role of doctors has increasingly shifted towards that of employees who must adhere to corporate and governmental directives, often at the expense of medical autonomy and the broader, holistic consideration of patient health.”

The UK’s People’s Vaccine Inquiry (“the Inquiry”) was launched on Monday in reaction to the UK Covid Inquiry postponing its inquiry into covid vaccines.  The government’s Covid Inquiry’s hearings on vaccines – Module 4 – was originally scheduled to take place in the summer of 2024. In January 2024 the government’s inquiry announced it was rescheduling Module 4 without indicating a date when. Subsequently, it announced it plans to hear evidence in January 2025.

Taking inspiration from the Canadian National Citizens Inquiry, a group of professionals believed it was in the public interest to give immediate access to their expert testimony on the covid vaccines and so launched their own public inquiry.

You can follow the People’s Vaccine Inquiry on Twitter HERE and you can watch or read all the testimonials on its website HERE. The organisers of the Inquiry encourage other experts to come forward and provide additional testimonials by submitting them via THIS email link.

Doctors for Patients UK (“DfPUK”) have already submitted their written statement to the Inquiry.  Within DfPUK’s 77-page statement are testimonies from several doctors: consultant cardiologist and general physician Dr. Dean Patterson; oncologist Professor Angus Dalgleish; surgeons Mr. T James Royle, Mr. Ian McDermott and Mr. Tony Hintonon; psychiatrist Dr. Ali Ajaz; emergency department doctor Dr. Scott Mitchell; general practitioners Dr. Kathy Grieg, Dr. Caroline Lapworth, Dr. Ayiesha Malik and Dr. Tim Kelly.

Dr. Ali Ajaz is a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist with over 18 years in practice. He has extensive experience in acting as an expert witness in both criminal and civil proceedings. He worked in the National Health Service (“NHS”) based in London and has a special interest in cultural psychiatry, having worked for a cultural consultation service in East London.

Dr. Ajaz left his employment at the NHS due to the proposed enforcement of covid injection mandates.  The mandates, he said, “were ethically and scientifically unsound.”

(Related: UK Doctors Call For Government Investigation of mRNA Covid Vaccines Due to “Alarming Safety Profile,” Dr. Ali Ajaz, 2 January 2023)

His concerns were amplified by an inability within the NHS to freely question or debate the response to the covid pandemic.  In his testimony to the Inquiry, he wrote:

Requests for open dialogue with senior figures were consistently met with defensive and dismissive attitudes. Efforts to critically assess the evidence supporting various medical interventions were systematically obstructed. Historical concerns raised by previous medical studies were disregarded, in favour of a narrative driven by authorities lacking medical expertise. This approach prioritised conformity and compliance over rigorous scientific scrutiny and open debate.

Concerns about the rapid development and endorsement of vaccines were obstructed, including significant historical data on mRNA vaccine trials on animals which indicated adverse outcomes. Previous failures in developing coronavirus vaccines and the problematic implications of lipid nanoparticles – which are known to permeate various bodily organs – were also overlooked. These red flags were dismissed in favour of a narrative driven by authorities lacking in medical qualifications, emphasising compliance over critical scientific evaluation The vaccine’s rapid development and endorsement involved overlooking substantial red flags – such as the prior failures in developing a coronavirus vaccine and the problematic implications of lipid nanoparticles that permeate various bodily organs.

The NHS’s handling of the covid-19 vaccine rollout exemplified a top-down approach where frontline doctors, including myself, were discouraged from applying medical scrutiny or expressing concerns. Institutional pressure to conform without question, and the stigmatisation of dissent within the trust, particularly highlighted by how critical thinkers often become silent adherents upon ascending to middle management roles, convinced me of a profound ethical crisis.

Concerns raised regarding mRNA vaccines and lipid nanoparticles were obstructed. Historical data on mRNA vaccine trials on animals, which showed significant adverse outcomes, were overlooked in favour of a narrative pushed by authorities unqualified in medical science, prioritising compliance over critical evaluation.

The role of doctors has increasingly shifted towards that of employees who must adhere to corporate and governmental directives, often at the expense of medical autonomy and the broader, holistic consideration of patient health. This undermines the physician’s ability to advocate for long-term, sustainable health solutions over immediate, but potentially harmful, interventions.

The pandemic response ignored significant collateral damage and prioritised short-term measures with scant evidence of efficacy, illustrating a neglect of the broader implications on societal health and wellbeing.