Explains that the globalist agenda is to take the land from the farmers: “We will fight for our farms”
Ok. I for one, am angry that a dairy farmer in central Netherlands, at the very least perfectly bi-lingual, is probably 90 IQ points above the President of the nation in which I am a citizen.
I listened to to this on my morning walk, and had that feeling that is the opposite, the direct opposite, of the feeling one gets when exposed to a clip from a Trudeau or a Biden. I felt faith in humanity fully restored, and wanted to race back to the apartment and post it.
First of all, his name.
Jeroen van Maanen.
The Dutch, hands down, must have the best names anywhere.
Perhaps my favorite line from this incredible clip:
“Nitrogen problems are not new. Thirty years ago already, nature people start talking about nitrogen pollution, which would make the rain sour…All the nature would be gone in a few years. Well, 30 years later, nature’s still there. Most of it is in excellent condition.”
Also great, the understated line: “It’s no solution to get rid of Dutch farmers.”
Rock star.