As noted by former U.S. Rep. Dr. Ron Paul in the video above, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab and other globalist leaders substitute truth with their own opinions. They decide what’s right and wrong; they decide what’s right for everyone. They dictate what’s “true” on any given day. Anyone who disagrees with them is an “enemy of the state” — they being “the state” or, more accurately, the Deep State, the hidden power behind the apparent power of official government.

Who are the members of this cabal? There’s no official membership list, but over time many of the individual players have become discernible. The globalist cabal includes but is not limited to government heads, bankers and members of nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s) and liberal think tanks around the world. One way in which the cabal hides its undemocratic influence is by having its members in dozens of different organizations.

When several organizations agree on an issue, it makes it appear as though there’s a majority view, a consensus. But in reality, it’s the same small group of individuals asserting their agenda. The G20, a group of 19 nations — including the U.S. — plus the European Union, recently held their annual business meeting (B20) in Bali, Indonesia, where they declared that digital vaccine passports, standardized by the World Health Organization, will be part of international pandemic prevention and response moving forward.

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