“Each victim paid “thousands of dollars” for the privilege of being robbed at gunpoint.”

 by  | Front Page Magazine

Ever get the feeling that our immigration system is one big pile of fraud? You’re not alone.

In 2000, Congress passed the ‘Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act’ which was supposed to stop human trafficking. It didn’t. What it did do was create ‘U visas’. The argument for the bill was that we couldn’t stop human trafficking because the women being trafficked wouldn’t cooperate for fear of going to prison. So not only wouldn’t we lock them up, we would incentivize them to testify by rewarding them with special visas.

How did that work out? We certainly haven’t stopped human trafficking, but we did reward anyone who was a victim of crime with visas regardless if the crime had anything to do with human trafficking.

Then, to put a cherry on that open borders cake, we created a whole new insane category of immigration fraud.

The staged robbery crew operated professionally, we are told. They used stolen cars and sometimes outfitted them with plates taken from other cars, for example. They had a second getaway car on standby. There were obvious signs of advanced planning and know-how.

But cops started to get suspicious. Why would four or five seasoned armed robbers go through all of that trouble for robberies that netted them virtually no cash? Most victims had only a few dollars with them, and the stores generally lost less than $100. Why were robbery victims going to stores to buy something without taking enough cash or a credit card?

Yet, despite the low return on their investment, the robbers kept working—two or three nights a week for at least two years, an investigative source believes.

And since this was Chicago, they were able to spend half the week robbing people for two years.

The police finally caught a break when they arrested one of the fake robbery teams. All of the members were juveniles, and almost none of them had histories of committing serious crimes. They were also more than happy to tell the police that the robberies were staged, that the victims were in on it, but they didn’t know why.

Federal prosecutors said on Friday that each. purported “victim” paid “thousands of dollars” for the privilege of being robbed at gunpoint. Ringleaders then instructed the “victims” to be at a certain location at a specific time to be “robbed.”

Now why would anyone pay money to be robbed? What were they, liberals? Close enough.

After the robberies, the “victims” went to their local police departments to secure documentation that they were the victims of a crime that qualified them to apply for a “U-visa.” That’s an immigration status reserved for “victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful to law enforcement or government officials in an investigation or prosecution,” federal officials explained Friday. Some relatives of U-visa recipients also qualify for special status. In time, U-visa recipients may qualify for permanent residency.

And they were so subtle about it.

CWBChicago reported in February that a man had recently walked into a Chicago police station to report that he had been robbed at gunpoint while walking out of a fast-food chicken restaurant on Christmas Eve 2006. The man, now 52 years old, brought along his wife. She confirmed his story, saying she was there with their daughter, who is now 22.

The officers at the station desk took his report, but noted that the couple told officers that their immigration attorney advised them to report the crime “so that they can expedite their visa application.”

We’ve created an entire category of visa fraud being exploited by… illegal aliens.

In December 2022, while the recently-revealed Chicago-based scheme was ongoing, Injustice Watch published a lengthy story that focused on two Chicago police sergeants who “denied hundreds of U visa certification requests from undocumented crime victims” that year.

“Attorneys and legal advocates who regularly work on U visa applications called the number of denials by CPD in the last year ‘unprecedented’ and said they worried it will discourage Chicago’s undocumented immigrants from reporting crimes,” the outlet reported.

Crimes that they themselves created.

U visas are being exploited in ways that have absolutely nothing to do with their intent, which was to stop human trafficking, and the whole thing has become a giant pile of fraud. Congress would be wise to reform or dismantle it entirely.

And as for the next administration, they should at the least stop accepting crime reports for U visas from police departments that refuse to cooperate with ICE. Like the police departments in California and Chicago.