I was recently fortunate enough to attend Envision, a transformational festival located in the middle of the jungle on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. This festival brought together freedom loving people from all around the world, on a mission to rejoice in the name of music, self expression, the arts, spirituality and liberty. Over 10,000 people attended this weeklong festival, creating a magical atmosphere and reminding me of the beauty of humanity.


Besides the music scene, the festival included numerous workshops, ecstatic dances, yoga classes and art related events. Bringing together such a collection people in a transformative space of co-creation left me feeling incredibly grateful to be alive during these challenging, yet crucial times for humanity. 


During this weeklong festival I was immersed into a deeply inspiring musical scene, including folk music, jam bands, reggae, electronic and jazz. Outside of the official performances, many people brought their own instruments—creating a beautiful atmosphere throughout the festival grounds. No matter where I walked, I was always surrounded by musical vibrations, reminding me of the power of music in bringing people together and bridging gaps. 


I also had valuable conversations with countless activists including herbalists, medical freedom fighters and anti-establishment fighters. The entire experience left me feeling profoundly hopeful for humanity as I was filled with motivation, inspiration and love. 


I would encourage all freedom lovers to attend such events in the future. Creating spaces where we can be immersed in freedom, music and unity can go a long way as we begin to envision a decentralized future based on self-governance rather than tyranny. 


Where there is love, there is hope.