With this new moon – in Leo – it might be time to let your heart take over. Let go. Let sleeping dogs lie. Let love in, even if you feel a little tender!

Or maybe just… sing your topsy-turvy!

Below, please find a list & links to Fool Tree events.

We wish to highlight that Emptiness & the Clown, October 3-6, is on the horizon! This workshop has no requirements, so come one come all!

What happens when we resist the temptation to be busy, meaningful, or purposeful?

How can we be present to the anxiety and fear that emptiness brings?

Together will play with silence and stillness, spaciousness, invisibility, and our yearning for certainty.

In shifting our attention from what we are doing to how we are doing it, we open a space for poetry, relationship and love.

Meanwhile, the Daily Yes’s are a yes, too:

The August Yes’s have begun rolling along.

In September, it’s time to perform ‘Given’ again, this time in Wisconsin. We’ll take September (& probably October) off!

In November. we offer 11 days of Yes’s. 11/1-11/11

In December, 12 days of Yes! 12/1-12/12

In January 2025. a month-to-month subscription membership begins. And so, if you’d like to sample the Daily Yes, please jump in, as inspired!

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whoever you are doing it with, enjoy the wisdom that finds you!

In joy & playfulness

as all of everything happens,





one) Emptiness & the Clown, October 3-6, with myself & Vivian Gladwell, is coming up soon – here in Ghent! Join the fun? Information found HERE.

two) 11 Days of Daily Yes happen from 11/1-11/11 & 12 Days of Daily Yes happen from 12/1-12/12. For more information about the Yes’s:

My Daily Yes!

To sign up (even before the sign up link is ready) you can contact me directly!! 🙂

three) Booking healing sessions – for you, to gift another – also happens at SPONTANEOUS WISDOM

four) If you’d like to join a waitlist for the first wee edition of OOFA CHANGES, let us know!! 🙂

daily yes reflections

I love that [the Daily Yes’s] can be going on in the background while I am engaged in other matters &/or I can stop to be still to receive the support.

The first day I really felt it—but I also had a moment to sit and be conscious of receiving it. After that I felt a sort of positive glow around the time. After a few days it wasn’t so specific to the time, but more of a general sense of well being. And if I did feel ragged for some reason, just remembering about the daily emanations was very helpful. It was a gentle but profound support.

[I found the energy] subtle, gentle, reassuring, supportive, generous, loving, unconditional…

It is so nice to be thought of, and to connect in a quiet and gentle way – in a way that is not about doing more, being somewhere, or doing something.

workshop reflections

This is a real way to discover and rediscover personal integration. NM, storyteller & teacher, Ghent, NY

Sarah’s workshop was a transformative experience… I had been blocked as a singer for a few years and in the short time since trying the clowning, I’ve signed up for a vocal workshop, joined a community choir and contacted a musician about sitting in with his band. So, yes, this clowning thing has real power! TA, singer & teacher, Great Barrington, MA

I thought this clowning business was all fanciful and play, but discovered very quickly that the clown has this vital role in our lives whether we realize it or not. JO, plumber & chiropractor, Chatham, NY

session reflections

I want to thank you again for our beautiful session. I’ve been reflecting on what came up and what actions to take. As always, I walked away feeling renewed in spirit and feeling deeply blessed to have you in my world. CA, Columbia County, NY

Sarah introduced me to a brand new internal landscape, a true liberation! AH, Manhattan

Sarah is a very loving, patient and non-judgmental and her gentle guidance allowed the issues to come forth that gave the highest message and most needed healing. SC, Malden Bridge, NY


approach to teaching is inspired by her adventures as a psychotherapist, social worker, language teacher, actor, musician, more. 

Since 2008, Sarah has practiced clowning as a pathway to explore being human. She teaches workshops & creates oofa books & games inspired by this work. She has collaborated with Vivian Gladwell of Nose to Nose since 2012. 

In Ghent, NY, Sarah facilitates clowning workshops & community events. She also gives private sessions to support individuals on their pathways to wholeness. 

Fool Tree

is devoted to the playful arts. Here, Fool is present. We offer clowning workshops, transformational tarot, retreats, dances & other playful community events.

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