By Kiki Jiyuu

The ‘with crisis comes opportunity’ approach is the strategic war cry of the UN. Tactfully costumed bands of billionaire puppets and their minions slither across the stages of the world’s most influential ‘think tanks’ and global assemblies chanting – ‘safe, safety, safe guarding, protect the future unborn’. Whilst we dirty humans eat, defecate, breed and breath, struggling to maintain our demeanor in the desolation of the contrived landscape of geoengineering warfare, plandemics, technocratic surveillance, and full spectrum domination. Simply put, these globalists want us tagged like cattle so they can collect our data inside and out – all of it. 

A newly branded UN initiative – ‘AI for Good’ (let that sink in for a minute – not as in ‘good for all humans and planet earth’ but AI FOREVER)  –  needs our data in order to function as the Oracle to predict what will happen or determine what is needed in the future. The UN “Longtermism” worldview is for them a key moral priority to predict and influence the future in order to avoid ‘extreme risks, chaos, and complex “emergencies”.  The UN Pact for the Future is featured as a comprehensive blueprint for global compliance which utilizes the global health/risk avoidance tactic to dismantle sovereign governance, autonomy, and free will. If permissioned on September 22/23, 2024, the Pact for the Future spells out the destruction of the human species by design.

Psychopathic billionaires seem to be springing up everywhere having insinuated themselves into the WEF, WHO, and the global governing boards of the UN. They are convinced that they have the right to implement whatever and whenever they want. The authors of this Pact for the Future are clearly immoral, out of touch, and incapable of empathy as they spell out the degradation of sovereignty and demand submission to their emergency dictates.

The Pact is a component part of the 2024 Summit for the Future – see adjacent Dr Malone article which slogs through the entire document. Fundamental to the plan is the systematic degradation and infiltration of the human genome to control and subvert the very DNA which is our past, present, and future. They promote ‘intelligent design’ as a revolution in evolution. Taking evolution out of the hands of the creator and defining and guiding it themselves with the help of AI/AGI/ASI. As these maniacs have been infiltrating and reconfiguring our physiological/material systems for some time now, they have created patents and trademarks on the products that they have put inside of us, so they presume to own us as products to be marketed and harnessed as they please. They plan and have begun to render us (think of those unfortunate people who are on their 6th or 8th covid ‘booster’) to a system of endless genetic, social, emotional, nutritional, cultural, and experiential subservience as an underclass so debilitated and deranged we can never rebel. All hope is not lost as the Pact for the Future relies on us believing three very tenuous points:

  1. That they know more than we do 
  2. That we need them
  3. That we are in imminent danger of incomprehensible destruction unless they (the UN) steps in to save us.

False. False.  And False. We are far more capable than they imagine.  We don’t need them and never have needed them. 

The past 5 years of the covid plandemic and the incessant and insidious mediated technologies have entrained us to a feed which leads us to imagine that there are endless emergencies, pandemics and infectious diseases about to overtake us, and economic disasters about to overtake us, and famines about to overtake us, and migrations of people that are destabilizing governments about to overtake us.  As Klaus Schwab has reiterated over and over again – ‘we are in the era of the ‘poly crisis’.  He imagines collapsing economic systems, and black swan emergencies – ‘events we don’t even have a name for yet.’  The Pact for the Future  ‘reassures’ us that they will take over and will decide what will be done. And to make it ‘easier’ they have decided to declare a PERMANENT STATE OF EMERGENCY so that every complex global shock, every emergency is within a bubble of protective control – for our own good, of course.

They plan to set up the world so that they are always in total control, so we are ‘never shaken’ by these continual and contrived global shocks. The Council of Elders – the ‘smart’ people of the world – vetted by the WEF, selected by Soros, and severely compromised – will rubber-stamp any emergency response to any number of complex shocks and they will permission whatever the WHO, the WEF, and the UN tell them to do. You would think this would be enough, this overt dominion over the totality of the human condition, but they want to put AI in charge of oversight and prediction. They want a complex AI, that when fed all of the collected data, will make all of the important decisions and model all the answers and solutions. Used to be called garbage in garbage out – what you feed it is what you get out of it.   Nothing more.  Nothing less.

Certainly the size and capacity of computers has increased, but regardless this process is still contingent on what information it is fed. (For example the WHO modeled the swine flu and the model predicted that hundreds of millions of people would die – interestingly enough only 11 deaths worldwide could be attributed to swine flu).  Basically you can get whatever answers you want if you crank up the replication cycles. Sound familiar? How about our most recent experience with the inappropriate and incorrect use of the PCR test to ‘diagnose’ Covid. This model is a propaganda piece snatched from a compendium of control mechanisms. The fear model which tells us we are in a complex global shock and that AI is the only tool that can figure out what we need is a fantasy. If we allow this sleight of hand then every country in the world will consequently have its sovereignty dissolved so that the complex solution from the complex AI response to the complex model can be implemented for ‘the good of humanity’. This is an abuse pathology. In the future the UN will no longer consider your human rights, your dignity, or your fundamental freedoms. The UN will no longer have to answer for human rights abuses. The reason that human rights are no longer an issue is because humans will no longer exist. The goal is to create a bio(human) digital(the machine) convergence that will redefine what it means to be human – In which case human rights are no longer necessary because there will be no humans who can apply for the application of those rights.

Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

  1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
  2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
  3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations

Do our human rights come from the UN? We need to ask this question real fast. 

The last article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights seals the deal – 

 Article 30

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

The idea that every action must be in keeping with the program and the purposes of the UN might startle us. And in fact, this is a blueprint for total tyrannical destruction of every social option that humans ever had. The bio-digital convergence means that we are no longer human from the DNA outward and consequently human rights are no longer an option. The extinction of our species is intentional.

The book UN100/ Remaking the World, Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment published by the Boston Global Forum and endorsed by the UN is one among many published books that presumes to declare that we are no longer human, that we are an object inside the AI world society and our existence is now a digital existence inside the metaverse. They want permanent emergency powers to deal with complex global shocks. They want to allow the global body to lead a common agenda for all nations during any complex global shock. This formatting of an emergency platform provides the UN the authority to actively promote and drive an international response. Meanwhile the UN will be given UNPRECEDENTED AUTHORITY over the public and private sectors of the world in the name of a yet unknown crisis. The UN secretary general stated “I propose that the general assembly provide the secretary general and the UN system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency platform in the event of a complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity, and reach”. 

Clearly there is no end to the fantasy they can concoct to support their delusions and the Pact for the Future MUST BE STOPPED DEAD IN ITS TRACKS. We need to be the architects of our future. It is our responsibility to open our eyes to what the UN has become and stand up to the abject failure of this organization. They meet at the UN building September 22/23 2024. There will be protests and speakers. 

Its time for us to show up. 

The Pact for the Future is currently accessible via google and available in pdf form. You can print and distribute it and can read it for yourself. Please share it widely and create community review opportunities.

(Image from the magazine  “Chronicle of the Times,” April 2002)

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