From our Community member Kevin Nathaniel Hylton | 1/22/23

Friends and Community,

Red Alert on Governor Kathy Hochul
Friends, please be aware of Gov Hochul’s recent movements.
Don’t let it all happen in the cover of the night, while the mainstream media ignores.
This is beyond politics. This has to do with people and human nature.
Yes everyday people who make the world go round.
I’m sure you can think of some experience where this applies:
People given too much power tend to abuse that power.
There is a famous quote by Lord Acton: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”

So this notice is mostly about human nature, regardless of politics.
Gov Hochul sometime ago wrote a regulation that allowed her the special power to send anyone to quarantine camp that she suspected had been exposed to a communicable disease, without proof of anything. Once “behind bars” with no due process, they would literally have no way of getting out.

Atty Bobby Anne Cox took Hochul to court last year and got the regulation struck down. A New York State Supreme Court Judge cited that Hochul’s regulation was unconstitutional.
Hochul then had 6 months to appeal, but that 6 months was during the election cycle. Perhaps Hochul preferred to keep that appeal off the election radar? Either way
6 months later and Hochul curiously missed the January 6th deadline to appeal. She recently asked for and was granted an extension to appeal by the courts.
Why would the Governor keep the “ball in play” for a regulation granting her an unprecedented and unconstitutional “Quarantine Camp” power?
Regardless of anyone’s political affiliation, does having one official with this kind of unprecedented power make for a democracy?
Does it make anyone safer?
Might this kind of power be abused?
I would offer that any one official wielding this kind of power spells the end of a democratic system of government in one fell swoop.

Watch Hochul, alert your community, because the mainstream media is silent about this.
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Honestly if even my best friend asked for this kind of power, I would be wary.
It’s a people thing. People are people.

Stay positive. Stay blessed.

One love