It is the dawn of a new age here in New York. Sadly, it is a new, dark age, where the Empire State, formerly governed by We the People who were represented in our State legislature by our fellow citizens, has now become an Empire ruled by an elitist class of self-appointed, career politicians who have proven themselves to be not just money-hungry but power-hungry to boot.

On Monday December 19, 2022, the party that has a super-majority in both the NYS Senate and Assembly (ie. the Democrats), put forth a bill that would raise their PART-TIME salaries by an incredible 30%, from $110,000/year to a whopping $142,000/year. That is a $32,000 pay raise in one felt swoop. Mind you, the Democrats also gave themselves a pay raise just 4 years ago, in 2018, when they increased their salaries from $79,500/year up to $110,000/year (again, about a 30% pay raise).

(Before any of my Democrat readers get annoyed that I am “blaming” the Democrats for this greed and despicable display of disrespect for hard-working New York tax payers, I will point out that if it had been the Republicans that were in the super-majority and had pulled this farce, I would absolutely be calling them out right now instead. Unfortunately, it’s the Democrats doing it, so there is no other way to skin this cat. There are 213 members of the NYS legislature [ie. the combined total of all State Assemblymen and State Senators]. Of those, roughly 1/3 are Republican. NOT ONE Republican voted for this bill, and many spoke out against it on the Chamber floors. So yes, sadly, this is 100%, purely on the heads of the Democrat legislators).

Read more at Bobbie Anne Cox Substack