Attorney Bobby Anne Cox:  “In reality, it is the greatest hoax on a citizenry that a government could try to pull, for they are not trying to protect you, they are trying to take your rights away from you and shift the power to them.”

NY Proposal 1 is a threat to Parental Rights and the Rights of Children. It also opens the door to legalize noncitizen voting if Proposition 1 is passed on the Nov. 5 ballot.

The deceptively written “Equal Rights Amendment” doesn’t protect women or abortion rights –  but does empower lawmakers to ignore the current language of the state Constitution in the name of protecting a whole host of new rights that it would create. It would ‘prohibit’ discrimination on the basis of “national origin” which is open license for compromised judges to allow a law that lets even illegal immigrants vote or to simply rule that they have that right even without legislative approval. 

Constitutional lawyer Bobbi Anne Cox warns that Prop 1 is “a Trojan horse of epic proportions,” The twisted language includes categories like “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as well as “national origin,” permissioning the courts’ ability to mandate the most radical reading of “transgender rights.”

The second half of this constitutional amendment would qualify rank racial quotas for public-school and university admissions under the blunt violation which has become the overarching chaos of the “equity and inclusion’ psyop.  

Dubbed the ‘Equal Rights’ amendment, Prop 1 attempts to sneak in under the guise of ‘abortion rights’ or ‘equal treatment’. A stealth manipulation which opens the door to constitutional changes that will disrupt and dismantle the family dynamic and school authority. They are now trying to bypass the New York State Legislature by putting forth an amendment that destroys parental rights, religious rights and medical freedom.

They are threatening to change the Constitution of the State of New York. “Prop One” or as “The Parent Replacement Act” will be very difficult to reverse in the foreseeable future if enacted – allowing it to spread to other states across the country – states who would seek to pass similar legislation.

On first read vague and deceptive language leads the unaware voter into thinking that this proposal is positive or good for the state.

But this is the REALITY:

– NY state government would capture undo authority over parents in making medical and other important decisions for their children.

– Irreversible surgical and non-surgical transgender procedures WITHOUT parental notice or approval would be granted to CHILDREN under the age of 18.

– The schools would be banned from disclosing to parents that their children are becoming transgender. NO ACCESS to VITAL information regarding life threatening procedures granted to your child without informed consent.

– Girls/Womens sports would be under assault as biological males could be allowed to compete against biological females in school sports WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS.

 – Prop One will ERODE PROTECTIONS for churches, other religious organizations, and non-profits, if those beliefs run contrary to newly-created ‘rights’.

Proposal 1 will be decided on election day in New York. WE MUST take responsibility for getting this information out to help educate our communities and families about the imminent danger of this proposal.

VOTE NO to Proposal 1 on election day.

Please watch a critical panel discussion of Prop 1 featuring Curtis Cost, John Gilmore, Michael Kane, Sash Silvera, Amaya Perez, Brucha Weisberger and Dion Powell.

  • Kiki Ultan