By Stephanie Lundquist-Arora | June 12, 2024 | Washington Examiner – Opinion

The LGBT community is extra special. I mean to say the LGBTQIA+ activists, or as I have recently heard them referred to as, “the alphabet people,” deserve several months of celebration to recognize their remarkability, more so than any other single person or groups of people in history.

This diverse cult of mostly white liberals with colorful hair needs our attention in June and every other month of the year. If you believe otherwise and even think about referring to them by their sex “assigned at birth” rather than their “preferred pronouns,” you need to be jailed for your thoughts or suspended if you are in public schools. Shame on you.

Obviously, “women” with penises should be allowed to go into your daughter’s bathroom at school and take her collegiate track scholarship. The “woman” with the penis your daughter is competing against runs faster, so it’s only fair. Get with the program, bigot.

President Joe Biden did. The Biden administration rewrote Title IX, effective in August, to make sure those “assigned-male-at-birth” women with penises have their rights at the expense of “heteronormative, cisgender, assigned-female-at-birth” women with vaginas. If you are a feminist, such as the ones at the National Organization for Women, you would understand why this is a great idea.

It’s also time to put away your American flags, which can be triggering. Instead, fly a variation of the LGBT flag. At the White House, a transgender flag was front and center at a Pride event on June 10, 2023.

You might consider storing away your religious symbols, as well. Those are yesterday’s news. In fact, this year, Biden and local leaders in Fairfax County commemorated Transgender Visibility Day on Easter Sunday. And really, why should Jesus Christ have resurrection day, the holiest of Christian holidays, all to himself?

If you swear an oath for public office, consider replacing your antiquated religious texts with LGBT books, just like members of Fairfax County’s school board did. They clearly are great role models for our children.

If you do not understand LGBT activists’ logic, public schools will teach your children the “right” things to think. But do not expect the school district’s administration to share your children’s gender identities with you should they become confused and claim to be transgender at school. That is personal and not your business as a parent. The school knows what is best for your child and will co-parent with you.

Kickstart your reeducation by celebrating the alphabet people this month with your children at one of the many wholesome, family-friendly events. You could take your children to watch drag queens pole dance, for example. They usually don’t expose their genitals, so try not to be all paranoid about that.

You might also choose to send your children to create queer art at taxpayer-funded public libraries in Arlington, Virginia. What’s more enriching than having our young children participate in art projects that celebrate people’s sexual choices?

Just down the road, you can send your children as young as 6 years old to the free transgender camp in Arlington. Young children should at least entertain the idea that they were born in the wrong body, right? Don’t be closed-minded, and be sure to open them up to the helpful suggestions of strangers with clear agendas and questionable motives.

And to the rainbow mafia, thanks for your help campaigning for former President Donald Trump. In fact, take another month in October to celebrate your sexual proclivities and super-special gender identities ostentatiously. Maybe even do a public reading of Gender Queernow available in public middle school libraries across the country. 

The majority of the country believes that gender is based on sex at birth. Meanwhile, nearly half think that young people are being manipulated into identifying as LGBT. So we will continue to keep our children away from these events and watch as the Democrats further alienate Muslims and people of color in swing states leading up to the November election.

America is tired of the narcissism of the rainbow brigade as it tries to force its beliefs onto our children. A movement that was once about equality (the Stonewall riots and Matthew Shepard) is now about pushing ideological tyranny, and we are over it.

Stephanie Lundquist-Arora is a contributor for the Washington Examiner, a mother in Fairfax County, Virginia, an author, and the Fairfax chapter leader of the Independent Women’s Network.

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