Late this afternoon we learned from two sources, a Democrat very much in favor of A276a, and a Republican opposed to it, that A276a was dropped from the agenda of the Assembly Health Committee tomorrow. And YOU are the reason why!

We learned late last night that it was on the agenda, and notified you this morning, and you called, texted, tweeted, emailed, and called some more explaining to the legislators and their staffs why A276a was a really bad idea. 

Most normal people would conclude that allowing children to get medical procedures without their parents’ knowledge or consent, is a foolish, stupid and perverse idea. But we are talking about the majority party in Albany and that wasn’t clear to a lot of them. You made it clear.

This fight is not over though. We won the first round. And we need to keep on fighting until Albany closes shop for the rest of the year on June 8. We heard that an amended version of the A276a may be on the agenda of the Health Committee meeting next Tuesday. 

Here are the next steps: register to watch our statewide Zoom taking place tomorrow May 9 at 7:30 pm to discuss fighting this bill, and getting through to June 8 making sure no other bad bills get passed. And maybe even make some headway on the many good bills in Albany.

Register for the Zoom here:

The second is to plan on coming to Albany for our lobbying day and rally next Tuesday May 16. There will be another Health Committee meeting that day in Room 823 of the Legislative Office Building and we want to be there in force! 

Please Take Action on the link below on A276a, and share the link on social media!