Tarot Cards Used:  The Wandering Moon Tarot; Rachel Jean

As we head into mid-December and head closer wrapping up 2022, it is natural to find ourselves reflecting on this past year, what lessons it brought us, both good and bad. We can find ourselves deep in retrospect, with all of our emotions coming up to the surface. Personally, this past year has been riddled with hard lessons and quite honestly, if I allow myself to, I could easily be disheartened or fall into the darkness that is so easy to give in to. However, I’ve tried my best to take a step back and analyze the situations asking myself questions:  what good has possibly come from the difficult lesson, what will I do differently (since I have noticed a pattern) if the same situation arises in the future and how can the lesson be used constructively in my life. It isn’t always easy to take this stance, in fact, not too long ago I found myself in a funk, left feeling exhausted, confused and hopeless.  When we place our faith in the Universe and we know for sure the signs were all there, yet the entire plan falls through in an ugly sort of way, it can leave us doubting our faith and ourselves. Second guessing our path, the vision we had and maybe even feeling like giving up. My approach has been to dissect the situation from a bird eyes view and what message has come through is that acting in haste and allowing myself to feel like I need to make a decision before carefully analyzing the small details, leads to not a good outcome. Working on healthy boundaries, being grounded, having respect to take the time needed to really feel in my gut what is right (rather than acting on a whim to appease others) is the true remedy to ending a cycle of self-sabotage. This is what I feel is the true definition of self-love.

 All of these scattered emotions that are heightened at this time are depicted through the reversed (which signifies inner self) Knight of Wands and reversed Queen of Swords. Falling into this trap of self sabotage can be healed by self-love and taking the time needed to really sit with these feelings, sorting through them and facing the truths (they might not always be rose colored) is encouraged with the reversed Queen of Moons (aka Queen of Cups). Cutting cords with a negative mind set, deceiving ourselves into thinking that this is all life has to offer and the Universe failed us, is strongly depicted with the Seven of Swords and the Devil energy. It is so easy to dive into the darkness.

At the bottom of the deck, which I like to look at as hidden messages to support the message above, we have the reversed Empress and Queen of Stars (aka Queen of Pentacles). This combination further supports what I had suggested above: nurture yourself with self-love and self-care. Try not to lean too heavily on others. If we sit quietly with our thoughts, our higher self knows exactly what it needs. Using tools to help our intuition may be very useful to clear a muddled mind; tarot, journaling, meditation. With the Winter Solstice on the 21st and the New Moon in Capricorn (the last new moon of the year) on December 23rd this is the perfect time to plan new traditions (if you haven’t started them already). You could plan a tribute of gratitude alone (and then celebrate with others), opening the heart space to joy. You could also perform a letting-go ceremony where you write what isn’t serving you any longer on bay leaves and burn them over an outdoor flame sending those negative ashes to the sky. Afterwards plant seeds of hope, love and intention to start practicing more self-care in the New Year (or whatever positive goals you’d like to see come to fruition). You could plant yourself an indoor herb garden, each seed representing a different dream, watching them sprout and come to life, helping you to visually see hope on your windowsill through the cold winter months.

Wishing each of you a Very Merry Holiday Season!!

Love & Light,


I’m Carla Coons, an avid lover of crystals and anything involving astrology.  I’m also a huge admirer of the beautiful outdoors.  Tarot discovered me in a time when I needed it most and has become my comfort.  It is the bridge that connects me to my intuition and to the Universe, bringing me peace in these crazy times.  My goal with the collective readings is to reach those who need this same peace in their lives.  A lifeline from my heart to yours.  These readings are for you, the audience, but I too receive clarity, peace and a time to reflect, which are all such priceless gifts.  I am so grateful to be here. Thank you!