Tarot Cards Used:  Your Path Through The Enchanted Forest; Lunaea Weatherstone

Have you been feeling extra tired lately? Maybe run down or lacking motivation, yet you know there is so much to be done and you’ve written all your wishes for 2023 and you are simply out of steam? Well, you are not alone! The Full Moon in Cancer (January 6th) continues to have us deep in our thoughts and emotions naturally and shedding all that isn’t meant to be carried into the rest of the year. Starting the week off with Seven of Visions (Seven of Cups) and the Keeper of Spells (King of Wands) speaks to just that….our minds are racing with ideas, goals and lists to check off, BUT the energy we are wading in has us in complete opposition with what we want and how we actually feel.  It is time to chill, whether we would like to or not.

The message this week is to GO with the flow. Take a cue from your body and stop resisting. It is time to put the drawing paper away, take a step back from futuristic thinking and be present. You have worked hard at creating a vision, now it is time to ENJOY life, go have some fun, keep things simple! This is highlighted by the three dancing bears in the Three of Visions (Three of Cups). As much as we would like to stay in our heads and create our future road map and dream of all the possibilities, this will only leave you more exhausted and depleted. Life is all about balance and that is drawing from the advice from last week’s “Overall Energy of 2023” message. If we do not keep one foot in the here and now, we will be lost in space. Get out, connect with friends or nature, do something that brings your mind to the present! You have planted seeds; let them be, let them grow roots. It’s time for you to nourish yourself in laughter, joy and just being.

Look at the Keeper of Challenges (King of Swords), look how tired, stoic and serious he is. That is for the birds (and will only create wrinkles)!! January 12th we will be wrapping up mercury retrograde which has added to the confusion and just an overall decrease in peace. Another reason to snap out of it! Taking the advice of Two of Challenges (Two of Swords), shake off the funk, get out of your head, and take a look in the mirror to gain clarity. Have you been living in enchantment, under a spell? Do not forget that life is about living and it’s about you and the you right now.

I ended our reading with pulling an oracle card from the beautiful Sacred Power deck and how fitting that the Animal Kingdom came forward. A little insight from the book reads:

“Right now, the animal kingdom is encouraging you to follow your own path. Living in the present gives us more time during our day because we are not consumed by fears of the future or the past. Resetting you to your natural state of being, spending time with animals will ground your energy to the present”

What a perfect message that aligns with the messages from our beautiful tarot spread! I encourage you to go have some fun, in whatever form it may be, anything that brings light to your life. Put you over thinking and analytical cap away for right now and give yourself a much needed break.

Until next time, I send each of you much love and light on your week’s journey!!

Love and Light,