Little Seed seeks a culture based on the acknowledgement of the equal worth of people and the natural claim of all people to the earth, on the recognition of life as an upward spiral of connection, complexity and diversity powered by the accumulation of solar energy.

They farm toward peace and liberty, striving to grow fertility in place with careful use of sun and rain, reserving only the most productive locations for intensive production, and depending on the most complex ecological communities possible for meeting needs. We look back on the history of agriculture with both gratitude and grief for its gifts and its costs. We look forward with the commitment to leaving the land we use more capable to support the community of life and more able also to foster freedom and kindness, and to learning in community how better to share the bounty of earth.


The name Little Seed Gardens is in honor of the tiny miracle of the seed, divine pattern. In the darkness of the earth the seed is awakened.  Willy Denners drew the crow which honors the crow, our most constant companion in the garden.


Little Seed offers a whole or half CSA share from early June-Oct end.  Pick ups are at the farm Wednesday evening from 4:00-6:30. A weekly share consists of 7-10 vegetables a week and reflects the variety of the season. Everything is picked the day of delivery when possible. Everything is certified organic and grown by Little Seed Gardens. 

Shares include a newsletter with recipes and farm news so you get to know us and learn a little about our perspective as farmers.  We encourage an up front payment for the share and flexible options for payment are available upon request. 

Join us!  Collect gorgeous fresh vegetables, take a walk on the farm and enjoy picking a bouquet of flowers for your table. (flower picking is included mid-July til first frost)