Recently there has been much talk in our community about how to come up with our own currency.  One fascinating idea is how we can use a piece of artwork to achieve this goal.  Community member Larissa Davis is an artist, although based in Maine has attended many of our functions and been very proactive in the idea of using art as currency and calling them simply:  Sovereigns.  I interviewed Larissa to learn a little more about her wonderful art and her ideas on how Sovereigns can work.

I am quoting from your website:

“I began the Sovereign Collection in February 2022 as an exploration of currency, what we value, and exploring creating my own currency…the currency of me!  Sovereigns are collectable, trade-able, mystery artworks which you order sight-unseen. Each is unique and original.”

Anything you would like to add to this?  

     I loved that making these artworks was such an easy YES for people who wanted to start collecting. Starting the Sovereigns has opened up conversations with people about what they had to trade, and other ways of looking at how we value the things we have. I have been able to let go of a lot of attachments to value, or my perceived value of what I make, and just look at it as energy… it might be traded with someone for the current value of a Sovereign, or, if say I am in need of a cardboard box and you are the only one who has one, who’s to say we can’t trade a piece of art for a cardboard box?

So how does this work?  Is it a case where people pay each other for goods and services by using your artwork.  Someone has to make the initial purchase of the piece.  Is there a flat value? How is the value determined? 

     To become a collector of a Sovereign you can place an order online either for a Sovereign that is available or for a mystery Sovereign. Another way to become a collector is to join my telegram group and ask if any of the collectors there are interested in selling or trading their Sovereigns. The price is tied to supply. So, because I am only making between 200 and 300 Sovereigns in a year, and I only have a certain number of years in this body to continue making them, there is a limited supply. I do not know if anyone else has traded a Sovereign for a service or other goods, but I have done it a lot!

Are there other artists doing the same thing? I think it’s a beautiful idea to have a couple other artists with different types of on-going art pieces out there as currency.  Do you think there’s enough room for all of you? 

     Absolutely! I took this idea from Steven Minnaar

 with his complete blessing. and the idea is not unique to him! Artists long before us began exploring this concept! And as I said above, why limit it to artists? We all have a currency that is, truly, priceless.

When you sit down to start a new art piece – whether it be a Sovereign or another art piece – what goes on in your mind.  How do you begin?  For example maybe something during the day inspired you?

     Great question.  There are definitely times when I feel the resistance to creating!  The technique which has helped me most with this is to use the blank paper or canvas as a journal to write about what I am experiencing, or what I am feeling.  Often I will turn those feelings around, especially if they are heavy.  So if I am feeling stuck or unmotivated, I will write on the canvas about the feeling of freedom and inspiration.  From there I combine the writing with colors in a sort of conversation incorporating abstract shapes, and just generally play on the canvas.  This process is great for breaking that “artist’s block”.  When I lead workshops, this is the MOST challenging part for people, because I am asking them to just make a message of the colors and shapes they like without worrying about what it looks like!  The next stage in my process in to just see what is there on the canvas…usually something will jump out at me from the abstract mess.  I get a certain feeling when I know that it is worth bringing it into more clarity.  My painting Grace is a good example of this process.

I see you use lots of color – why do you navigate to so much color? 

     I gravitate to bright colors because they feel good to me. Sometimes they feel like there may be too much color and so I explore softer shades. But I have never been a subtle person, as much as I might have tried to blend into the wallpaper in the past… the truth of my energy is bold and that comes through in the colors I love and choose to create with.  

I feel a lot of your paintings are geared more towards the female? Am I correct in this assumption?

I see more women responding to my art than men, but it is not exclusive to men by any means. Two of my biggest collectors (of some of my larger works) are men, and more and more men are telling me about the impact my art has on them. 

What would be an inspiring message regarding using Sovereigns as currency?

     I encourage people to take this on, creating their own currencies for exchange! it does not have to be art, right? We ALL have something to offer, our unique energy. I have a friend who was inspired by the Sovereigns to offer what she simply calls Martha Currency” which is her energy and time in any form, often listening and offering her intuitive hits on what you share with her.

Where can we find your artwork and purchase your Sovereigns? 

     You can go to to see my artwork and on that website I also introduce the process of ordering Sovereigns:

I’m also on Facebook: