Details from our friend, John Gilmore:

NY Assembly passed database bill, time to focus on stopping it in the Senate

Yesterday, the New York Assembly passed A7154, the bill that will make essentially mandatory reporting all adult vaccines given going forward to the New York State database. Its companion bill in the Senate, S1531, still has to go through the Senate Health Committee and pass in a floor vote as well, and they are running out of time. The legislature is scheduled to adjourn for the year next Friday. So we have to keep the pressure on for one more week. 

The good news so far is that A276b/S762a, the bill to allow minors to get drugs and shots that are marketed to prevent ASDs, appears to have stalled for the present. We have saturated the legislature with information showing that the bill would clearly violate federal law, so perhaps they are paying attention to that minor issue. 

A837, Jeffrey Dinowitz’s bill to require the publication on the NYSDOH website the numbers of medical exemptions at every school, has been on the agenda all week but has not come up for a vote, and with more pressure from us it may not. NYSDOH has published these numbers on their website since 2016, so the bill is somewhat pointless, and the numbers demonstrate that New York has the lowest percentage of medical exemptions of any state, which CDC data verifies.


Call Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins and every member of the Senate Health Committee TODAY. Usually on Fridays they are in their district offices. Ask them to oppose S1531. Talking points below. Start at the top and work your way down.

Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Senate Majority Leader

Legislative Office Building, Room 907

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: (518) 455-2585

Fax: (518) 426-6811

Democrats on the Senate Health Committee

Gustavo Rivera, Chair, co-sponsor of S1531

Capitol Building, Room 502C

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-3395, (718) 933-2034

Fax: 518-426-6858

Samra Brouk

Legislative Office Building, Room 812

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-2215, (585) 223-1800

Simcha Felder

Legislative Office Building, Room 809

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: (518) 455-2754, (718) 253-2015

Fax: (518) 426-6931

John Mannion

Legislative Office Building, Room 946

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-3511, (315) 428-7632

Lea Webb

Legislative Office Building, Room 848


NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-2170, (607) 773-3688

Fax:  518-426-6787

Rachel May

Legislative Office Building, Room 803

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-2838, (315) 478-8745

Kevin Thomas

Legislative Office Building, Room 947

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: (518) 455-3260, (516) 739-1700

Fax: (518) 426-6783

Zellnor Myrie

Legislative Office Bldg.Room806

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-2410, (718) 284-4700

Fax: 518-426-6856

Julia Salazar

State Capitol Building, Room 514

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-2177, (718) 573-1726

Fax: 518-426-6947

Brad Hoylman, author of S1531

Legislative Office Building, Room 310

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: (518) 455-2451, (212) 633-8052

Fax: (518) 426-6846


Jake Ashby

Legislative Office Building, Room 517

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-2381, (518) 371-2751

Fax: 518-426-6985

Patrick Gallivan

Legislative Office Building, Room 311

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-3471, (716) 656-8544

Fax: 518-426-6949

Jack Martins

Legislative Office Building, Room 608

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-2677, (516) 922-1154

Fax: 518-426-6720

Steven Rhoads

Legislative Office Building, Room 513

Albany, NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-3161, (516) 882-0630

Fax: 518-426-6963

Dan Stec

Legislative Office Building, Room 408

Albany , NY 12247

Phone: 518-455-2811, (518) 743-0968

OPPOSE A7154/S1531

What is the need? There are no required vaccines for general population adults.

A7154/S1531 violates every principle of medical privacy.

A7154/S1531 violates physician’s duty of confidentiality.

The database will  be used to identify and punish people. It is COVID now, it will be other disorders in the future.

This is the first step to statewide vaccine passports.

Opens the door to demanding all medical records, psychiatric medicines, HIV and other STDs, contraceptive use, etc.

This is taxpayer subsidized marketing for drug companies.

Immigrant rights advocates are concerned it will be used to track and locate undocumented people for deportation.

This bill will disproportionately impact black and brown people who have the lowest rate of COVID vaccine uptake of any racial groups.

What this Means:

The bill was put up for a vote in the Assembly and passed with a simple majority.

What Happens Next:

The bill will be sent to the Senate if it has not yet passed that chamber. If the Senate has already passed this bill, it will be sent to the Governor for signature (approval) or veto (rejection).

What Can I Do?

All members of the Senate welcome legislative feedback from constituents at When you use the New York State Senate website to officially support or oppose this bill, your feedback will be shared directly with your senator.

Why am I receiving this?

On Wednesday May 19th, 2021, you subscribed to alerts for A279 (a bill introduced originally in the 2021 session). A7154 is the current, active version of this bill.

If you no longer wish to receive updates on this bill, unsubscribe here. Visit the subscription management page to inspect other alert subscriptions you might have.


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NY Assembly Passed a Bill to Set Up a Mandatory Database - Please Read
June 3, 2023 8:22 pm

[…] Yesterday, Assembly Bill A7154, the bill that will make essentially mandatory reporting all adult vaccines given going forward to the New York State database. […]