Tarot Cards Used:  Rider Waite Deck

is holding you back? What keeps you hiding from the world and showcasing your beautiful creativity? Are you in a battle within yourself, allowing limited beliefs and self doubt to hinder your progress and growth? The fear of being seen, the opposing opinions from others and your own self doubt can be like poison. If you are finding yourself in this position, it is time to re-write your script.

The Death card marks the end of a chapter, in a big way. Do not allow this card to invoke fear. This signifies an end to whatever is holding you back. It could be negative self talk, habits that no longer serve you or anything that isn’t beneficial to your soul. Focus on healthier habits, bringing self confidence to the plate, believe in yourself and your dreams. Focus on how you want to feel and let the rest fall into place. Allow yourself to envision the life you would only dream of living and journal the feelings you imagine you’d feel, what burdens would melt away, how empowered would you feel? Stop allowing yourself to be held back by fear. This is, after all, the year of the Chariot, it is time to take control of your life and follow through without looking back. Failure is the stepping stone to success, it is what refines us.

The Moon reversed is a message around doing the inner work of facing fears and releasing what is no longer viable, cleaning house.  The end of this week on January 20th we welcome the New Moon in Aquarius, which is the perfect time to for setting new intentions, relinquishing old habits that no longer serve and a time for starting new projects and initiatives. Listen to your intuition, tap into your inner High Priestess for inner wisdom. Do a little research on the High Priestess and she can serve you or how she can be embodied.

I feel this week will be truly a pivotal one, in helping us clear the way for new energy, high VIBE energy, into our lives. With three major arcana cards showing up, these signify BIG feels and I expect we will all feel this in one way or another.

Wishing you much peace, courage and love as you embark on this journey of finding yourself and releasing the old.

Love and Light,