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  1. Asé Kevin you are a bright light with a big heart

  2. Thank you Kevin for all you do, you are a wonderful example of the future of freedom!

  3. Hang on … still reading … barely got going … i’ll be back in a … flash (i think) …

  4. I love this

  5. Excellent article and encouraging words from Jeffery Ellenberger, thank you.

  6. Author

    Andara is a fantastic writer – she will writing more articles for Community Hubb

  7. Thank you Heidi for a beautifully written description and appreciation of our efforts. So glad you and your family were there.

  8. #PowerfulTruth Great article, well said! Excellent Read. Thank You ♥️ 💯👏🏿✊🏿

  9. Listening now to hear what happened to Debbie. I liked her; she was a truth seeker and a truth teller.

  10. Leave us alone , enough people died because of the vaccine not covid!
    Stop trying to turn this country into china!

  11. Yeah, that should do it.

  12. How dare you mess with our food you pathetic morons???!!!

  13. This is much older than 2021 Clint Richardson and Patrick Jordan were discussing this back in 2014 and the NIH research goes back to the early 2000s.

  14. And everyone out here seeking a political solution like fought out rhinos or people with their understandable rhetoric similarly understandable where they’re saying just leave us alone you’re not getting it. This isn’t about them leaving you alone and they’re not actually trying to help you this is genocide.

  15. Graphene is an inert material. Inert materials are not attacking. A nanoparticle of graphene might physically damage a cell, but so could nanoparticles of other materials – such as nano-hydroxyapatite in toothpaste.

  16. Very Informative Article. Thank You!

  17. Have you seen a college dumpter lately? at RPI- Rensselear PolyTech Institute whose tag line is Why Not Change The World. Does not recycle. The so called best brains in America cant even distinguish between trash dumpster and a Recycling one. I guess they need an AP bec these supposed braniacs cant read or sort. Everything most of us learned in Kindergarden . Garbage in Recling, Recycling in Garbage rendering the Recycle Container contaminated garbage. The enormous amount of plastic produced by students via Amazon and Door dash and take out containers from the cafeteria is beyond shocking. Most shocking is seeing perfectly good like new bedding clothing furniture, fans , lamps etc tossed into the garbage with no regard for anyone less fortunate to receive it , let alone the planet. I guess they never heard of FreeCycle or CurbAlert to transfer such perfectly useful items to other srudents or people in the community. ..Then to consider what these students are learnin from nanotech to AI to surveilance apparatus, military and chemicals and all things smart” and wirelss and QR coded..its an ugly future.. The banner should read Hey, RPI why not leave the world alone? .We need to go backwards abandoning all this “tech for convenience” is destroying natural human life anot just plastic. and then the plasticwalls , desks, masks gloves from all the Covid nonsense? Ill take Barbie mania anyday. dont even look in a hospital dumpter.. http://www.VirusTruth.NET

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